Garment Sorting Conveyors
S-200 Garment Sorting
S-600 Garment Assembly
H-800 Garment Sorting
VD 12 Garment Mechanical Sort
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S-700 Catalogue

Garment Conveyor Catalogue
Model S-200 Garment Sorting
The S-200 Garment Sorting Conveyor provides the flexibility you need. Used in organizations that requires an automated garment sorting, storage and retrieval system. The S-200 patent pending manual push & push or fully automated garment feeding has the capacity of 5000 garments per hour and sorting capabilities of unlimited drops. The methods of identifying includes bar code, RF chips, dedicated or visual creating minimal to no human garment interventions in the sorting process.
- No lifting of garments
- Fully automated or manual push feed hanger inductions stations
- Optional bar code auto read station
- Garment in transit memory
- Self programmable controller
- Simple design – easy to maintain
S-200 Sortation Conveyor Operation & Design
Induction Station First Sort
Once garments have been processed through the finishing tunnel they now can be transferred to the Induction Station where they will be scanned via their bar code, RF chip or manually entered. For there initial batch or route sorting, once scanned the garment is then auto feed to the S-200 Sortation Conveyor at a rate of 5000 garments per hour. Each garment is then monitored until it reaches it final designated drop line or H-800 Powered Accumulation Rails.
H-800 Sort / Accumulation Rails
Garments sorted via the S-200 Sortation Conveyor are then dropped off on the H-800 Accumulation Rails. The H-800 then brings the garment forward by the carriers that catch and drag the hanger and release them only when they hit upon a point of resistance. Designed either to complete second and final sorting operations or to be transferred to second, third and/or final sorts the H-800 will transfer at a rate of 8000 garments per hour to trolleys for clean storage.
S-300 Route Storage
Once the garments have been sorted and transferred automatically or manually to trolleys that can be taken up and out of the way to clean storage with our S-300 Power and Free Trolley System. Automatically entered via bar code / RF Chip or Manually the S-300 provides the traffic logic required to maximize and keep track of your overhead clean storage.
S-400 Route Retrieval
Retrieving garment trolleys for shipment is simply done by entering the designated route line. The S-400 will automatically dispense the selected line along with the number of trolleys for that particular route and transport these trolleys to the loading dock for loading.
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Since 1962, SRS Conveyors has provided turnkey garment handling, extending to today’s suite of state-of-the-art conveyors. We give clients any help they require, from initial design and layout to project management to full-scale implementation and programming.
Our team of engineers can find the
solutions that is right for you.